Selected: Clarinet

Crack prevention

Crack prevention
Cracks are one of the most feared problems for woodwind players. There are several possibilities to either reduce the risk or to prevent them entirely. You have 3 options:

1. When you have a new instrument or haven't played your instrument for several weeks, we advise following Our break-in recommendation.

2. Keep your instrument moist around 50% - 60% whenever possible. Instrument humidifiers like Dumpit, room humidifiers, and larger plants in your practice room can help. Don't forget to refill the humidifier.

3. Avoid excessive humidity in tone holes. Remove it with cigarette paper or blow it out. If the problem remains, consult us for possible solutions.

4. Avoid exposure to dry warm air like from air-conditioners, hairdryers, fans, longer direct sun exposure, or storing in a hot trunk in the car.

5. Avoid dry cold air as well.

6. When your instrument is very cold, warm it up with your body or by slowly blowing warm air into it.

7. Always place the instrument with the tone holes showing up. When you lay down the instrument onto a table, tilt it so that it lays on the left-hand pinky keys, not the top joint side keys.

8. Take the barrel off after you have played it, and dry the sockets.

9. Get our L&P tone hole crack prevention system installedread more
It eliminates the most dangerous and common cracks in tone holes. Surface, dry, and mechanical cracks, as well as cracks resulting from the tenon, cannot be prevented. But these are very rare.

10. Use a clarinet made out of Greenline, hard rubber or plastic, or one with a tone hole protection like the Legend, Divine or Selmer Evolution models.

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